Many of us are trained to follow a career formula that seems rather foolproof: you study hard in high school to be accepted into the university degree that Mum and Dad have longed for, push your way through endless group assignments and Zoom lectures, and then BOOM, instant graduate role waiting for you on the other side… right?!

For many of us, especially in the fashion and creative industries, it’s just not that simple. After countless internships throughout your degree, you can only hope that at least one of those connections will get your foot in the door. But with the fashion industry giving off major small fish, small pond energy at times, we are here to tell you to just keep swimming. 

 Your resume is at its prime, and you say yes to every opportunity that comes your way, but every time you get through to that last interview stage you are hit with the words “we went with someone else”. It can be disheartening, right? Although it can be a rather isolating feeling, everyone goes through those struggles at some point in their career, and we are here to remind you that every rejection is one “no” closer to your big break. 

 No matter what industry you are in, these simple reminders might be just the motivation you need to respond to that message in your LinkedIn inbox, create a profile with us (shameless plug #1) or even submit your resume to that dream job you spotted on the Job board earlier this week (shameless plug #2):

Credits: Jacquemus

1.  It’s not you, it’s me (or them rather)

 More often than not, the company you’re applying for probably thought were a great fit. Many factors can lead to an unsuccessful outcome, whether it be timing, resources or even chemistry compatibility. Sometimes they have a very specific idea in mind, and even the greatest of talents can’t change that, so onto the next!


2. Onto the next!

 Although we shouldn't diminish our job search down to a number, it is in fact a numbers game, and you miss every shot you don't shoot! Every application, interview and rejection are experiences under your belt that will allow you to be more equipped the next time around. You’ve just got to keep your head held high and change your outlook. It’s not a setback, it’s an opportunity to redefine the way you sell yourself until you find the right fit for you.  

3. Put the ego aside

 Nobody likes rejection, whether it be personal or professional. Every so often we’ve just got to swallow our pride and ask, “where did I go wrong?” Sometimes interviewers will be happy to share some feedback as to why you weren't the right fit, and if not, our team at RÈLIER are here to provide all the resources you might need to ace that next interview.

Credits: Jacquemus

4. The power in positivity!

 Resilience is key when it comes to claiming that girl boss career you’ve been longing for, and putting your power in positivity might be just what it takes to get you there. Resilient people can manifest bright futures for themselves; attracting positive outcomes by valuing self-worth, mental health and personal growth in order to achieve their goals. Although positivity isn't easy for everyone, it’s all about stepping out of that victim mindset and claiming whatever negative energy you may harbour as motivation to keep on going! 


5. One day at a time

 By now, we are hoping that these words of wisdom have provided you with today's dose of motivation to get you going! Whether it be proofreading your resume, having a quick scroll through the Job Board (shameless plug #3), or simply reading this article, just remember a little progress each day is all you need to get the ball rolling. Our beautiful recruitment angels are always here to assist you with your job-searching journey, so never hesitate to reach out.

We hope you enjoy your new-found motivation and absolutely cannot wait to see what you do with it…


Until next time,

Charlotte xo



