At times, the fashion industry can give major “small fish, small pond energy”, which can be rather discouraging. If you’re unsure where to go next in your career journey, we’re here to provide some insight on the power of relocation.

Firstly, it is important you understand the career opportunities around you and what we mean when we are referring to all these fish… “big fish, small pond” refers to a job setting where you are considered more prominent and powerful amongst a smaller team of people, which is often found in smaller companies and can provide invaluable knowledge. Alternatively, one could be referred to as a “small fish in a big pond”, which refers to having less of a say in a much larger work environment (or perhaps less of a say, even in a smaller work environment).

Although we can’t change the overall demand of the job market (or where your current office is located!), we can help you grow into the ultimate “Big Fish” candidate, becoming a major force to be reckoned with.

When seeking strong candidates for a fashion role, there are several main factors that brands will consider including location, experience, education and creative portfolio. Never underestimate the power a great brand name will have on your resume. It is extremely important that you have all these factors considered, up to date and easily accessible to ensure you are the most employable candidate on the market.

It’s no secret that certain cities such as Sydney and Melbourne host the majority of Australia’s fashion support office and retail roles. Living in one of these major cities, even just temporarily, opens you up to a delicious smorgasbord of new roles, with new brands. These magical career lands will help you gain as much experience as possible in the industry.

Image credits: DISSH

You might find that at a certain point in your career, you hit a glass ceiling in your home state and feel you cannot grow into a more aspirational role or brand locally…

Relocating interstate to gain experience with a notable brand will certainly generate more opportunity, even if temporarily. And the salary perks (WA and QLD sisters, we’re looking at you), we can promise you’ll never look back.

If you’re knocking your cute little head against that infamous glass ceiling we speak of, we’ll take a guess and say you’re anywhere other than Sydney and Melbourne. We too can speak from personal experience - there is less opportunity in these states purely because the Big Fish are located elsewhere. We’re here to encourage you to make the jump into that bigger pond, even if just for a moment.

Relocation can be a scary thought. But if you are truly a budding fashionista, we say the move will definitely be giving ✨dream career✨era  (think of the Tik Tok content). A few short years in Sydney or Melbourne can in some circumstances be the equivalent of 10 years in your home state. Not only are the opportunities more abundant, but the turnover at companies is higher, the salaries are larger, and the brand names are undeniably BIGGER.

Image credits: DISSH

So what can a move interstate do for you?

  • It will help you break into more notable brands - these brand names will have a significant impact on your resume and hireability not just immediately after, but for the duration of your career

  • It will exacerbate your learning - you will be exposed to bigger businesses, different processes, powerful mentors and an abundance of learning opportunities. Diversifying your capabilities and your fashion network will happen naturally in the land of opportunity

  • If you can move to a power company that has good internal mobility (meaning they promote their internal team instead of hiring externally all the time) you will make big jumps in a short period of time. Instead of waiting 5 years in your local city or current brand for that dream role to pop up, move to a city where people change jobs frequently and the opportunities present themselves every 12 - 18 months. This is how you get 10 years of experience in 4 years.

  • And the personal growth, oh the personal growth! Living in a new city, with new people, new places, new experiences; it will teach you so much about yourself. Say hello to a new sense of independence, confidence and people skills.

A move interstate doesn’t have to be forever. 3-4 years or even just two can have a huge impact on your career.If you’re ready to find YOUR big pond, create a profile with us today and don’t forget to note that you are OPEN TO RELOCATION!


