The beginning of a New Year is traditionally a time for reflection and goal-setting as individuals take account of the past year and look towards the year ahead. With this in mind, Team RELIER commissioned a HIGHLY scientific and officially sanctioned survey of our community to understand the true priorities of 2023’s job seekers. We took to our instagram page to conduct this survey (shameless plug here), and the results are IN. 

Image credit: LOEWE

We asked: What is your favoured style of working?

With 89% of job-seekers choosing the Hybrid model as their preferred way to work, this style of work clearly outperformed the competition.

A hybrid working format will give your employees a greater sense of autonomy and ownership over their careers, because nothing is more powerful than the freedom of choice. 9/10 people want this - so what are you waiting for?! Review your company's organisational structure and make space for flexibility. You. Will. Not. Regret. It. 

We asked: What is the top perk you’d like to see your employer offer this year?

The ability to set your own hours was voted the most desirable perk by 57% of our community members. It’s clear the 2023 career community really appreciates flexibility...

Extra WFH opportunities received 31% of the remaining votes, while paid maternity leave programmes received 6% and an increased product allowance received another 6%.

We asked: Which of these is the most important career goal on your list this year?

It shouldn't come as a surprise that 43% of our community members identified a pay raise as their top career aspiration. About one-fifth of employees (25%) said they would prefer a change to a new company or environment, while 15% aspire to break out on their own.

Image credit: LOEWE

We asked: What type of career move is the most important for your growth this year?

Expanding your current skill set was voted the most important career move for growth by 32% of employees, whilst developing a specialised skill set within a niche department garnered 31% of votes. Make a move. Identify the knowledge gaps in your team in order to train them to enhance their skill set. It's a win-win situation: you get a stronger team member, and they feel more successful in their role. 

What will add the most value to your working year in 2023?

The option for greater freedom in hours and location was the clear winner here, selected by 43% of employees. I am telling you people – flexibility is our HOT topic for jobs this year – do you believe me yet?

What do we do with this information?

It’s simple, really!

For the job seekers - you can benefit from taking some time to consider your own professional aspirations and the factors that drive you. It will assist in contemplating and honing in on the specific qualities you seek in a job. When bartering for these things in your work, it will reassure you to know that many other people desire the same things that you do.

For the HR Managers - put this world-class, valuable data ;) to good use by considering how to incorporate this 2023 job-seeker wish-list into your business model. Some simple ways we’d put this into action: 

  • Host an engagement survey with your team 

  • Host Stay Interviews with key players in each department and store 

  • Review salary banding and hybrid working policies as a key priority this New Year

  • Review your value proposition for new hires & work with the influential decision makers in the business to improve this 


This concludes my disclosure of industry secrets for the time being. Keep your eyes peeled.

With Love,

Hannah x


