CAREER PROFILE: Bec Fabien | National Visual Merchandising Manager at Bec + Bridge

Welcome to the third edition of our new journal series ‘Career Profile.’ Each month, we sit down with inspiring people doing inspiring things in their careers to discuss what inspires them. Join us for this month’s career musing that explores both career and fashion advice with some of our favourite industry professionals.

The gorgeous Bec herself wearing the Bec + Bridge Woodstock Top & Skirt

Say hello to our April Muse:

Bec Fabien.

Bec is the first ever National Visual Merchandise Manager for Bec + Bridge and my oh my does she have an inspiring career tale to tell. From beauty, to fashion, store, to state, to national - she’s done it all. We talk to our April Muse Bec about how she got THAT job, her advice on how to land yourself in a similar role and her biggest career highlights to date.

First things first, how did you get that job?!

Successfully being considered for any role naturally involves hard work, dedication and a little luck! I was very happy in my previous role. However, when I was contacted by Lauren from Relier about an opportunity at Bec + Bridge and I knew that I needed to follow it through (how could I not?!). Despite only being in my previous role for six months, I immediately recognised Bec + Bridge as a brand that I aligned with and knew that this was the type of role I had always envisioned myself taking on at some point in my career. 

What was the lightbulb moment that led you to pursue a career in fashion? Tell us how it all began.

When I was just 17, I was working in retail and can remember so clearly looking forward to the VM visits each week. I used to follow the VM Manager around whenever they were in and help out with any tasks I could. Changing around the floor was something that I found so much joy in and I was so excited when the VM Manager gave me a special training manual and left me in charge of a whole area. Not long after that, when it came to deciding what to study, my Mum found a specific course in Visual Merchandising at TAFE. It wasn't until then that I realised it was something that I could actually pursue as a career!

You have accomplished so much in your career. What has been your biggest highlight to date?

I'd have to say starting in this role has definitely been a highlight! My current role is a newly created position for Bec + Bridge and I think once I started working here I realised then how much knowledge I actually have as a Visual Merchandiser after working for so many different brands over the years. It was so nice noticing that in myself and being able to feel confident in my decisions based on many years of experience.

Bec’s heavenly handy work in the windows of Bec + Bridge Parramatta

On the flip side, what have you found most challenging?

There was about a year and a half where I took a break from Visual Merchandising. I told myself during this time that I wasn't sure VM was something I wanted to get back into. I think looking back, that period was one of the most challenging, as I knew what I didn't want in a role but wasn't clear on exactly what I did want. In hindsight, I think that period was also really important for me as it allowed me to reflect on the kind of work that actually meant something to me and gave me purpose. It made it much clearer that if and when I did decide to re-enter the VM space that I would only do that for a role and brand that I aligned with and that excited me!

Bec’s heavenly handy-work at Bec + Bridge Karrinyup

Working in such a fast paced environment, what do you do to make space for creativity and developing new concepts?

It can definitely be a challenge in some weeks to find the time to work on those extra projects. I generally like to get all of my usual tasks completed early in the week so that I have that space at the back end of the week to work on new concepts and projects that aren't as pressing. Creating new concepts and working on things behind the scenes is definitely a part of my job that excites me the most, so I try my best to make time for this as often as I can! 

What degrees and courses would you recommend to someone wanting to step into a similar role?

I know a lot of Visual Merchandisers that have worked their way up into their role from the shop floor, but I would still definitely recommend studying if you have the option to. I did a Diploma of Visual Merchandising at TAFE Ultimo and I absolutely loved it. The course is a bit different now than when I studied, but they really do cover so much when it comes to VM. I know I learnt a lot of skills that I still use everyday!

For the job seekers out there, what are some entry level role titles that can lead to this ultimate role?

An In-store VM is probably the most common entry level title that gets your foot in the door. I was really lucky to land a multi site VM role as my first job out of TAFE, so that definitely fast tracked my career progression. I think as long as you're working in a VM role that excites you and if you're always learning and looking to grow, then ultimately you will find yourself working towards that dream role!

We are strong believers of building a network that lifts you up and inspires. Do you have a mentor or close network that you look up to and lean on for advice?

I definitely do! One of my previous managers is actually my go-to person whenever I am going for a new role and need a pep talk or even just advice on anything career or work related. I am very lucky to have such an amazing mentor in my life.

As VM Manager, what does a typical day in the office look like?

I know most people say this, but everyday really does look different! If I'm in the office, I am usually planning ahead for window outfits, analysing stock allocations and sales. I'm also organising floral arrangements for the stores and any signage that might be needed. I also go out and visit stores regularly, making changes on the floor and spending time with the teams doing training. Every fortnight we launch a new collection, so in those weeks my focus is setting up the VM, photographing it and putting together the VM Guide for all stores to action. Definitely plenty of exciting things to keep me busy!

What are your goals for the next 12 months?

Within my role I think I'm most excited to see the things I've been working on come into effect. I have already been able to notice the change I have made in such a short amount of time, so I'm looking forward to being able to do more and just see it all come to life in store!

Just for fun, we would love to know what you are currently watching, reading and listening to. 

Currently Watching- Ru Paul's Drag Race.

Currently Reading - I have just started a book called It Ends With Us, by Colleen Hoover. It's already got me hooked!

Currently Listening To - My go-to podcast would always have to be Life Uncut, for some light hearted, fun conversations.

And finally, because we all have a mutual love for fashion, what is currently on your wishlist? 

As much as I love clothing, my vice would have to be accessories! I am always buying new jewellery and I currently have about 5 different pairs of shoes in my cart. If anyone can help me decide between New Balance sneakers or boots then I would love some help! I'm probably going to end up buying both though, let's be real!

Want to learn more about Bec or connect directly? Find our gorgeous friend of Relier on Linkedin here and hit follow to tag along as her career continues to flourish.




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