CAREER PROFILE: Clare Horgan | Palm Noosa Commercial Manager

Welcome to the third edition of our new journal series ‘Career Profile.’ Each month, we sit down with inspiring people doing inspiring things in their careers to discuss what inspires them. Join us for this month’s career musing that explores both career and fashion advice with some of our favourite industry professionals.

Clare looking like heaven in her Palm Noosa maxi dress

Say hello to our March Muse: Clare Horgan.

Clare is the Commercial Manager to Palm Noosa and has an incredible career tale to tell. She has taken her career from humble retail beginnings in Brisbane, to the bustling Melbourne Metropolitan, and has most recently found herself back on the sunny shoreline of Queensland in her most exciting role to date. We talk to our March Muse Clare about how she got THAT job, her advice on how to land yourself in a similar role and her biggest career highlights to date.

First things first, how did you get that job?!

Oh gosh - it’s a bit of a strange one so stay with me... Prior to this role I was living and working in Melbourne. When my partner and I were home one Christmas after six years of living away, we decided that we were feeling ready to call Queensland home again - and we really wanted to be based on the Sunshine Coast. I knew that for me this would mean very limited job opportunities in my field, but Palm Noosa was the dream! 

After a morning at the beach (dreaming of what it would be like living here) and a visit to the Palm Noosa store on Hastings St, I decided to reach out to the brand. I was so nervous to email them, but decided I had nothing to lose as I absolutely loved the role I was in at the time. 

I explained my situation about wanting to move home, along with a little about my experience to date,  and simply said that if they were ever looking for anyone to fill a similar role I would love to be considered. I received a lovely response saying there was nothing going at that time but they would keep me in mind. Months went on -  we were still living in Melbourne and I hadn’t thought any further about it until one day I received an email out of the blue that an opportunity had come up to grow their team. 

A few phone interviews, a face-to-face meet, and an interstate move mid lockdown later, and here we are!

What was the lightbulb moment that led you to pursue a career in fashion? Tell us how it all began.

I’ve always been a retail baby! My first job was when I was 14 - working at City Beach doing late night shifts after school and working weekends. I absolutely loved it and remember being so inspired by our store's Visual Merchandiser. At the time I just thought that her job sounded like the coolest job in the world!  

I kept working in retail for years whilst I went through Uni, and after City Beach I worked at a Jewelry shop for quite some time. It wasn’t until I left there and started working at Kookai that I realized how much I loved product - and all areas of it! I loved looking at our store's sales results each week, I loved doing the store VM, I loved styling outfits for customers in the fitting rooms, I loved anything and everything product!

I had never really considered a career in fashion until one day when we had a store visit from Head Office. I met the Buying Manager at the time, and after hearing her speak about her role and the business I was so inspired, and knew it was exactly what I wanted to do! It seemed like a distant dream though, and I never imagined myself building a career around what were my favourite things in store. 

I was studying something completely unrelated, but after saying yes to every opportunity and working my way from casual to 2IC in store, I found myself joining the buying team. The Buying Manager who came into the store years earlier was now my manager, and is someone who I’ve learnt a lot from over the years.

You have accomplished so much in your career. What has been your biggest highlight to date?

This is a tough one for someone who doesn't like to self-reflect very much!!  

I’ve been so fortunate in my career so far - I’ve met some incredibly talented people, been lucky enough to travel to some amazing places, and have ticked off many goals along the way. But I think my biggest highlight, or more what I have been most proud of, is the way I have taken on new challenges and roles. 

Moving from a Buying role into Planning I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. It was definitely a sink or swim moment, and after a few weeks of asking everyone around me a million and one different questions, I started to find my groove and really made the role work to my strengths. 

On the flip side, what have you found most challenging?

I think for me one of the hardest things to do is to not compare myself to others. It’s definitely easier said than done, but I’m a huge believer in making a role your own. The only way to do that is to be confident in yourself and your decisions, and not worry about other people and how they have done your same role in the past.

Rose on the job is always a vibe & we are here for it.

What degrees and courses would you recommend to someone wanting to step into a similar role?

I can’t recommend having some sort of understanding of business enough! I started studying Business at Uni in my first year, only to defer six months later and never return because I didn’t think it would be relevant to me - turns out it’s probably the most relevant thing I could have studied! 

I think that a general understanding of the basics of business could benefit you in a whole array of similar roles within our industry. 

For the job seekers out there, what are some entry level role titles that can lead to this ultimate role?

Entry level roles that would help give a great foundation to work your way up in product or to a commercial manager role would include Store Manager, Assistant Buyer, Allocations/ Stock Coordinator, and Logistics Coordinator roles.

We are strong believers of building a network that lifts you up and inspires. Do you have a mentor or close network that you look up to and lean on for advice?

Absolutely! I’ve made some great connections over the years and love that even though we’ve all gone different ways, we can reach out to each other for advice at any time. We all support each other, and I think that is really special! Lauren and I are the perfect example - we met almost ten years ago on the shop floor, we’re still great friends, and she is someone who inspires me. I still come to her all the time asking for advice on different things!

As Commercial Manager, what does a typical day in the office look like?

It’s a real mixed bag and every day is different which I absolutely love! It can cover anything from looking at retail sales, budgets and KPI’s, to reviewing Systems, to communicating with our lovely stockists about wholesale orders, and the list just keeps going from there.

What advice would you give someone looking to follow a similar career path? 

Take every chance you can to expose yourself to opportunities, and to learn from other departments. For example if you are working as a Buyer - obviously it’s important to have a strong understanding of product, but also try to learn as much as you can from Finance, and Marketing and other areas within the business. 

As you learn more about other areas, you grow a more holistic view of the business which you can take with you to future jobs, or apply to your existing role in understanding how all the moving parts come together.

What are your goals for the next 12 months, is there something you are most looking forward to in 2022? 

This year I’m really looking forward to settling into my new role at Palm Noosa, and to continue learning new things. Last year was a big year with a lot of change for us, so in 2022 I’m actually most looking forward to enjoying moments as they come, and making the most of being close to friends and family again.

Just for fun, we would love to know what you are currently watching, reading and listening to. 

Currently Watching- SAS Australia - I’ve never watched it before this season, but I’m hooked! And also love all Real Housewives - obviously Beverly Hills is number one, but I’ll watch any of them!

Currently Reading - The Coconut Children by Vivien Pham - just started! 

Currently Listening To - SmartLess podcast - such easy listening and the most interesting conversations.

And finally, because we all have a mutual love for fashion, what is currently on your wishlist? 

A Silk Laundry set is sitting pretty high on my wishlist at the moment, along with just about everything from Lucy Folk!

Want to learn more about Clare or connect directly? Find our gorgeous friend on Linkedin here and hit follow to tag along as her career continues to flourish.


CAREER PROFILE: Bec Fabien | National Visual Merchandising Manager at Bec + Bridge
