We’ve all been there. Stuck in a rut during the job search. Why is it that it always seems to happen when you are particularly ready for a new role?

If you’re currently in the thick of your job search and it feels like it’s not moving in the right direction, we’re here to load you up with our favourite tips on staying resilient.

  1. If you haven’t already, take the time to understand your motivation to move. Why are you motivated to change roles right now? Is it because you are seeking a payrise? Perhaps your current role isn’t challenging enough. Or are you ready for a leadership title? Is it because you’ve been with your current employer for a long period of time and you’re ready for a change? Or are you in a work environment that is feeling toxic, like a poor fit or causing you burnout? Understanding your biggest motivator is important. And what’s more important, is not loosing sight of that motivator so that you are applying for and ultimately accepting a role that actually fits your needs. Get clear on this and reset your application process as often as you need to.

  2. Educate yourself on the job market. Whilst your ✨dream role✨ can truly pop up at any moment, there are times of the year where job searching is typically more challenging. EOFY is one of them because companies are watching their budgets and only hiring for roles that are truly necessary (it’s traditionally not a time of high turnover either). In the lead up to January, right through to February, is always one of the hottest times to search. That new year, new me vibe always hits hardest around now and there is so much turnover and movement in every industry. We also traditionally see a ‘spike’ in new roles in September and April on our own recruitment calendar at Relier. So if you’re not seeing lots of roles right now, there’s always a market change just around the corner. This is sure to re-inspire your positivity on the search.

  3. If you’re getting to the interview stage and are facing rejections, please, please, please ask for feedback. Feedback can be uncomfortable, but learning from each rejection will only make your next interview stronger. So if you’re not already asking for specifics, lean into this and ask your interviewer each time.

  4. If you’re not getting to the interview stage, perhaps you’re not applying for roles that are a true match. Here’s where a skilled recruiter can come into the picture. Do your research and choose a recruiter who is skilled, has good listening skills and is experienced in your area. A specialist recruiter will be able to create strong matches for roles that are a fit and can be a great partner for feedback and market insights too.

  5. Another tip if you’re not getting many interviews is to broaden the search. Don’t let brand names or titles on ads limit you. We are big believers in choosing your boss NOT the brand. Say yes to any interview and as you broaden the search and attend them, remember that the mentor who is your manager is statistically the biggest determiner of your happiness and growth in a role. So choose your leader not just a brand name in your next role!

  6. And finally, never put all your eggs in one basket. 🐣 What we mean here, is that no matter how much you connect with a role or an interviewer, don’t convince yourself ‘it’s the one’ and stop applying for other roles. We know how tempting this can be. However nothing is guaranteed in the job search, so if you’re really committed to moving, try to keep the applications and interviews rolling even when you think you’ve found the one. It’s not the one until you’ve signed the dotted line.

The job search can be tough and we know it’s not an easy market to find the perfect role right now. So whatever that next dream move looks like for you, stay positive. Take a break from the search when you need it and say yes to any interviews you’re invited too. It’s a numbers game! If you keep at it, the right role will present itself when the timing is right.

See you on the job board.

With love,

Lauren x


