We’ve all seen The Devil Wears Prada, The Intern, Ugly Betty … the list goes on. The dream of a fashion internship glamorised by the movies and our minds and is an opportunity many of us retail angels dream of whilst studying and working on the floor.


At Relier, we are BIG supporters of internships. And lucky for YOU, internships are far and wide and one of the best ways for you to gain experience in your chosen field. Whether that be design, buying, marketing or eCommerce, we’re spilling the tea from the mind of a recruiter: Internships WILL lead you to your ultimate dream job.


There is nothing more we lurrrrve more than a candidate has taken the time to immerse themselves in an internship or four during their studies. Any resume that features an internship hustle gets a *chefs kiss* from us.

Read on for tips, tricks and insights into the world of scoring your dream internship.


In a nutshell:

  • It’s a golden ticket to learning

  • It’s the opportunity to network with industry experts and begin building your personal brand in the industry

  • Feature great and powerful brands on your resume

  • Gain practical experience in your field of choice

  • Build new tangible skills in addition to the theory you’ve studied


Responsibilities will typically vary across both functional and organisational/admin tasks. This can be anything from picking and packing wholesale gifting orders, to researching influencer seeding lists, to coffee runs, to showroom prep, spreadsheet clean-ups etc.

Essentially, you’ll do a cross-section of tasks across a cross-section of departments.

Unless of course, you’re interning with one of those fab brands who do a structured department intake for specific areas of opportunity. In which case, you will take on basic functional tasks that relate directly to that department.

 In the eyes of the brand, the more potential you show during the internship, the higher level the tasks will become. SO, push yourself to put your cute little hand up for as much as you can! Show great initiative and ask for more and you shall reap the rewards, my dear.  



This can really vary from brand to brand and what the intake and band requires. However, typically we see unpaid internships lasting around the 3-4 month mark. Some internships can extend for up to 12 months. But take it from us: if you’re interning for much longer than that, you’re doing yourself an injustice.





Internships can be scattered far and wide. There are a handful of different avenues you can take to land an internship. Our top tips:

  • For those studying within a fashion college, your Teachers and Mentors have many connections in the industry. Make use of this network and pick their brains about who they can connect you with to get a foot in the door with a brand in their network

  • College/TAFE/University Job Board – you should have a keen eye on this if you are studying fashion. The careers team at your institute will be sharing plenty of opportunities throughout the year for you to put your hand up for.

  • Advertised on the brand’s website – there are some brands who offer these programs all year round. You should check on the website direct of the brand of your dreams for this opportunity. Some brands who we know who do internship programs frequently and well are Swarovski, Camilla, and Zimmermann.

  • Look within the brand you already work for – If you already have your foot in the door working for a brand, why not ask the HR manager whether they will take you on as an intern? We think this is a sure way to get a yes – even if it’s just volunteering 1 day per week of your time to assist in general office tasks. It’s a yes from us.

  • Cold contact your dream brand via careers or the customer service team. Just because the internship isn’t advertised, doesn’t mean you can’t pitch yourself. This kind of courage is what gets you places. WE LOVE TO SEE IT.



Your cover letter & resi are the brand’s first impression of you. Think of them as your pitch document. Take time to design something that stands out from the rest (via PDF of course, because we all know word doc is D.E.A.D).  

Some sneaky Relier Tips:

  • Design your cover letter & resi with an ‘on brand’ feel by using the business pantones, fonts, language etc. Look into their key fonts and colour palette

  • If you have a portfolio or any previous work to show for, make sure to include this too – even if it’s uni and prac work, it still counts. Go the extra mile, chica! 

  • Submit an application that’s creative, not run of the mill. It should have a point of difference. It should leave the reader thinking… I NEED TO CALL THIS UBER AMAZING GAL RIGHT. NOW. SHE IS HOT SAUCE.



We’re 99% sure our fave Spice Gal was an intern once upon a time … but that 1% …

We’re 99% sure our fave Spice Gal was an intern once upon a time … but that 1% …

I know you’re thinking… what else can I do to score the role? We hear you!

Here are some great pointers for you to show you will be the BEST intern a brand could ask for:

  • Show a good understanding of the tasks that the opportunity will entail (by reading up on the advert OR if you’re cold pitching, reading up on other internships out there)

  • Show a willingness to say yes to any task that comes your way

  • Show that you are a problem solver and showcase a willingness to support a cross section of departments – ask for work and offer support when your tasks run dry

  • Some great soft skills to reference and brush up on for your interview are resilience, adaptability, a willingness to take on other tasks and get your hands dirty and team work


And for those of you who are already interns, thinking I’VE DONE ALL THIS … hot tips to convert this into a permanent paying role:

  • Show LOTS of initiative

  • Ask for more work

  • Get tasks done quickly and with accuracy (exceed productivity ideals!)

  • Pitch & suggest new ideas and projects

  • Be proactive about staying busy and taking on extra responsibility and always ask for more/over communicate when you have completed a project or task

  • Keep networking with the Management team


We think internships rock. If you can do them well, they’re sure to get you where you want to be long term. So chickadee, are you ready to start the hunt?


Love always,

Team Relier x


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