Welcome to our sixth edition of our journal series ‘Career Profile.’ Each month we sit down with inspiring people doing inspiring things in their careers to discuss what inspires them. Join us for this month’s career musing with our one of our divine employees and inspiring industry professional.


Mikaela Demetriou is the People & Culture Coordinator at By Charlotte and is an absolute gem of a culture leader if we ever did see one. .Read on to learn more about Mikaela’s inspiring career journey and her top tips for those looking to follow a similar career path.

First things first, how did it all begin and what was the lightbulb moment that led you to pursue a career in People and Culture?

That is actually a tricky one to answer because I don’t think there ever really was a lightbulb moment for me. There was however a major life disruption ( I think we all know what I am talking about) That made me question my goals in life.

I have always really thrown myself into whatever I was doing and really thrived being fully wrapped in the process. My motto is “trust the process” for that reason.

I have worked in hospitality, retail, marketing, operations and people and culture, and have studied for a Ba in Fashion Branding and a Certificate in Marketing during that time.

To narrow down for you the time when I was redirected on my career path, I was made redundant from a Marketing role in May 2020 due to Covid. I took it hard because I was really enjoying the fast-paced environment and going into a lockdown with no work was a massive struggle mentally.

After a few months, I took a retail role in a high-end boutique which really reignited my passion for people and relationships. 

My old manager reached out one day and said she was working at By Charlotte and there was an opportunity for part-time administrational work. Because I took up online course, I welcomed the opportunity for permanent work that allowed me to complete my studies.

In the space of a couple of months, I finished my course and was offered a full-time operations role. This role had a lot of variety, and people & culture was part of it. At this time of my life, and with the type of environment that working at By Charlotte offers, I valued self and situational reflection and had gratitude for where I was in life and ambition for where I was going next.

So at a 6-month check-in, I wanted to be transparent that I was enjoying the people & culture responsibilities in my role and that I would be extremely interested in evolving and progressing. This was supported at the time, though the role didn’t exist yet. At By Charlotte, we love a manifestation– and it happened! The need for the role to be introduced arose. And I took it!

It’s funny looking back on my “journey” because, at times, I definitely had moments that felt like I lacked direction, particularly after my redundancy. I wish we all didn’t put so much pressure on ourselves to follow conventional paths. Without having the time, I might not have had the chance to assess my passions and drivers. I am so grateful for every moment of my ride so far because so many career and life lessons were learnt and really inform my actions and decisions in my role and life today.

You have led a really inspiring career journey, tell us, what has been your biggest career highlight to date?

My biggest career highlight to date happened recently. Positive engagement is not something that you can snap your fingers at and imbed in a person. It’s an investment that is a long game to get results.

6 months ago, we had a very talented junior employee who was feeling extremely disengaged in her role. We only really discovered this through employee lifecycle check-ins which I introduced and help managers facilitate. The work we have done with the employee, and behind the scenes to plan for her development and progression has been so impactful. Her annual review was last week, and she is so happy at work, extremely engaged and excited to be here.

It was a proud moment to see that the investment of time and care really paid off and we have achieved a complete 180 in 6 months.

On the flip side, what have you found most challenging?

The most challenging this of my role is that communication with people does not have a rule book. Personality types, emotions, mental health, and work or external stresses are all things that impact not just how someone communicates but also how communication is received, and it’s not always obvious when these factors are impacting a person.

I also empathise that it is really hard to zoom out or put yourself in the other's shoes sometimes, which I always advise when this difficulty is faced with another person.

I however am so interested in and passionate about people and their uniqueness and have learnt that we are all human and don’t need to get it right every time. That’s what building relationships are all about. Yes, it is certainly the hardest thing I experience but it’s one of my biggest loves.

What advice would you give someone looking to establish a career in people and culture? Are there any short courses or study pathways that you would recommend?

I did Branding and Marketing for my tertiary qualification, though I have done HR and leadership training and short courses along the way. My work experience led me to recognise that people and culture was the right path for me. I don’t believe everyone walks the same path, though I would say the top criteria is to have a passion for people and all of their complexities, while also having huge regard for compliance and process.

What qualities do you look for in a candidate when hiring for a new role at By Charlotte?

Passion! I want to see the fire in them to be a part of our team. Experience and qualifications are something that can be gained over time. Passion cannot be taught; it has to come from within.

Here at Relier we are strong believers of building a network that lifts you up and inspires. Do you have a mentor or close network that you look up to and lean on for advice?

I am so lucky to be a part of a female-driven brand at By Charlotte. There are so many inspirational leaders across the business with whom I have built some very valuable relationships.

Charlotte our director started By Charlotte 10 years ago in her kitchen! To compare to By Charlotte today and its growth is truly inspirational, and I believe her success can be linked back to the kindness she shows every person that crosses her path. She really upholds that humility and compassion can get you so far.

What do you love most about working for By Charlotte? 

I love supporting progressions. It is so great to see an employee recognise what they want in their career and work with their manager to make it happen. It is really rewarding to see how much more driven a person has when they have the right mentorship and the work ethic to really kick some career goals.

A day in the office, what does this typically look like for you? 

The start of my day is the best. As soon as I walk into the office I am greeted with smilling hellos from the team and a wave of puppies rolling at my feet, sniffing hello.

I try not to book meeting before 10 am so I have the first hour to review the day ahead. I check through the careers inbox to see if any exciting applicants have come through or dedicate my attention to anything urgent that has come in. I don’t really have a sense of the day until I have done this – because retail even in a P&C role can be fast paced.

I then review any leave that has come through and make sure it is processed correctly.

The rest of the day could be filled with interviews, lifecycle check-ins, strategy meetings, role development ad-hoc admin or I might be lucky enough to need to pop across to the boutique and catch up with Mollie the Retail Boutique Manager.

I try and keep it flexible so I am available whenever someone sends a request for a chat. It’s important to me to work that way because people’s needs can’t always be scheduled.

What are your goals for the next 12 months and what are you most looking forward to?

In the next 12 months, I am really looking forward to supporting the piercing service at the Boutique and building out an engagement strategy at By Charlotte. We move in such a fluid way which is so refreshing and unique, but as we get bigger and bigger, I am hoping to lock down a fundamental structure to the year and support the teams individual and business goals.

What does workplace culture mean to you and why is it so important to champion?

I believe it is a fine balance between organisational structure and creating moments that matter. It's both tangible and intangible. I also think it is a long-term investment and is most effective when you think of big-picture objectives broken down into small achievable goals.

Just for fun, we would love to know what you are currently watching, reading and listening to. 

My husband and I are currently on a The Office binge. I am also a huge period drama fan and can’t wait to watch Persuasion with Dakota Johnson.

A newly discovered podcast called Do You F*****g Mind? by Alexis Fernandez is in my ears at the moment and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone interested in down-to-earth mindset hacks and insights.

And finally, because we all love a little sparkle… What piece from By Charlotte is currently on your wishlist? 

How can I choose one!? Top of my mind would be a constellation piece from our Starry Night collection. The pieces are so sentimental to the wearer. I want to get the cancer constellation to honour my late Mum which I think is a really special tribute.




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