Welcome to our fifth edition of our journal series ‘Career Profile.’ Each month we sit down with inspiring people doing inspiring things in their careers to discuss what inspires them. Join us for this month’s career musing with our one of our divine employees and inspiring industry professional.

Say hello to our AUGUST Muse:


Alexis Rollings is the Senior Recruitment Consultant here at Relier and has led an inspiring career journey. Alexis began her career working on the shop floor and has a strong understanding of the retail world and all that comes to light with navigating your career, networking and what recruiters look for in talent. Read on to learn more about Alexis’s inspiring career journey and her top tips for those looking to follow a similar career path.

First things first, how did it all begin and what was the lightbulb moment that led you to pursue a career in recruitment?

I was managing a store and was asked to recruit my own Christmas team. From the get-go I absolutely loved it! I loved meeting new people, onboarding them and training and developing their skills. A few of those casuals became managers throughout the years and that was so rewarding for me to be a part of their journey.

Tell us, what has been your biggest career highlight to date?

Launching Michael Kors into Australia. I learnt so much from that business! It was a rollercoaster but was worth every second. Overcoming the challenges and seeing how it succeeded was an absolute highlight.

On the flip side, what have you found most challenging?

This is a hard one…. because I love challenges! However, I will say the transition from the shop floor into an office role was a bit of a journey. I knew I was ready for my next career leap and was willing to work hard and prove myself, so I put myself out there and started networking. Some failures and disappointments along the way but I met so many fabulous people. And then one day out of the blue I got an opportunity of a lifetime! It was that unicorn role that I had always dreamt of.

What advice would you give to job seekers looking to pursue a career in fashion?

Don’t rush it. Even if you feel like you are moving sideways, everything is a learning experience and will help you get to your dream role. Just enjoy the journey and soak it all in.

What advice would you give to someone looking to make the leap from the shop floor and land their first office role?

Put yourself out there! Go for those interviews (even if it’s not 100% what you are looking for) They may love you and keep in mind for future roles and NETWORK!!!!

What do you consistently look for when hiring a new candidate?

Willingness to learn, be adaptable and flexible. Not everything will be perfect so be willing to bend a little and you might be surprised.

We are strong believers of building a network that lifts you up and inspires. Do you have a mentor or close network that you look up to and lean on for advice?

My beautiful friends. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by the absolute very best! Full of knowledge, laughs and support in all aspects of life.

What do you love most about the fashion and retail industry?

Meeting like mined people and obviously the fabulous FASHION!

What are your goals for the next 12 months, is there something you are most looking forward to in 2022?

We have 3 beautiful girls so watching them grow and learn is what I am most looking forward to. That also applies to myself, I’m looking forward to growing and learning with Relier Group.

Just for fun, we would love to know what you are currently watching, reading and listening to.

I wake up early every Friday morning to watch the new episode of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills….. so sad I know but I just love it! I am currently reading “How To Raise Girls who Like Themselves” As we have Three girls I need ALL the help I can get.

And finally, because we all love a little fashion and fun, what is currently on your wishlist?

Just about everything and anything …. However I do have my eye on some beautiful Alias Mae boots, so they are next on my list.

Summer is just around the corner so I need a whole new wardrobe for that…. Right?!?!


