the power of linkedin
3 people are scoring their dream role every minute through the powers of LinkedIn. Today we’re here to talk about how you can become one of them.
Did you know that job seekers with a 1/3 comprehensive Linkedin profile have a 71% higher chance of getting a job interview? Swipe to read more on why you shouldn't solely rely on a strong resume to score your dream roles
Having a Linkedlin profile is the first step in the right direction, however, you want to make sure you're using it for optimal impact. 87% of recruiters say that LinkedIn is the most effective way to screen candidates during the hiring process, so having a strong profile will set you well above your competition.
With 3 people getting hired every minute on Linkedln, take advantage of the platform by nailing your profile & showcasing yourself as a top-tier candidate.
If you're spending the majority of your time perfecting your resume without touching your LinkedIn profile, you're kissing goodbye to hundreds of potential opportunities, including referrals. The #1 way people discover a new job is through a referral, so you should be asking yourself, "How can I make myself more referable?" By giving your industry contacts an efficient way to refer you, such as a detailed, up-to-date & personalised Linkedln profile, you'll be inviting a whole new world of opportunity to knock on your door
Image Credit: LOEWE