Why Your Digital Personal Brand Matters


We’re living in a time saturated with technology, social media and digitalisation. Career trajectories are changing, job roles are blending and the rise of digital engagement continues to surge. We’re seeing elements of employment opportunity cave in an ever-changing environment of automation and technological advancement… but be patient my dears, as with any crash comes a new season to blossom and bloom. 12 months from now, you might just find yourself applying for job titles that don’t exist right now.

So tell me, in a time where social media engagement is spiking alongside the sisterhood of unemployment (thanks, COVID), why on earth is your LinkedIn profile sitting pretty (and by pretty, I mean untouched)?

If you haven’t engaged with your LinkedIn profile over the last months (years), now is the time. You’re robbing yourself of a killer job opportunity if you shy away from keeping it engaging, relevant and aligned with your personal brand. Your LinkedIn profile should speak as loudly as your resume. Why? Because 50% of roles aren’t advertised. Because LinkedIn networking has fast become the most effective way to nab that next role. Because cold networking through social media is more powerful than ever.

So let me make this simple … here are 5 LinkedIn tools you should be using to drive your DIGITAL PERSONAL BRAND on that social media platform that you aren’t showing enough love:

Your LinkedIn profile should speak as loudly as your resume. Why? Because 50% of roles aren’t advertised.

#1 Have a professional summary. Speak in a tone of voice true to you. Make it engaging. Your resume has one, so why wouldn’t your LinkedIn? Shout your skills from the rooftop, I say!!

#2 Use that RECOMMENDATIONS tool like it’s going out of fashion. Know many people who use this function well? Nope? Neither do I. But recommendations have power - a few killer quotes from previous leaders you work with will give you that je ne sais quoi your profile is missing.

#3 Give your co-workers kudos - what better way to praise in public than to shout through a great LinkedIn GIPH, ‘THIS PERSON HAS IMPACT!’ You can share kudos for peer in your news feed or simply on their profile.

#4 Speak Technically. You know how they say when promoting your business on the gram you should keep it simple, use laymen’s terms, jargon etc... Well, LinkedIn is the opposite. Talk the Talk. Walk the Walk. Show off that technical skill you’re hiding over there.

#5 Skill Endorse and be Skill Endorsed. After all, it’s a platform for connecting and sharing - in what other social media space can you so easily support someone’s special skill? Give and thou shalt receive. Help each other rise together. Endorse her/him for that funky skill! Struth, go all out and add a new skill to someone’s profile!

LinkedIn. It’s socials for your career. Do it well and you’ll reap the rewards.

Why are you still here? You should be updating that profile …..


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