Welcome to our Career Guide series: where we share short, sharp and shiny guides based on the most frequently asked questions from our beloved RÈLIER community.

It’s a retail worker’s most anticipated time of year; the centres are busier, the budgets are higher and the customers are eager and ready to spend up a storm. However, the spending season doesn’t come without its challenges. Today we are here to share a survival guide that will ensure you and your team are set up for success this upcoming sale season. 

Follow these simple steps to ensure you and your team are sale-ready:


  • Know your promotions: Whether it be percentage markdowns or spend & saves, the first question your customers will ask is “What discounts you are offering?” so it’s important to have this information at the ready

  • Plan ahead: Review store trends and stock up on best-selling products to maximise sales. We want to avoid any missed opportunities where possible!

  • Visual merchandising: Merchandise the shop floor to allow ease when shopping, creating flow and increasing sales

  • Delegate Tasks: Disorganisation can lead to havoc! Zone your team around the store to ensure all bases are covered. We’re talking greeters on the door, helpers in the fitting room and wrappers at the ready - a dreamy experience from start to finish.

Credits: Acne Studios


  • Prep your team: Induct and motivate your team at the beginning of the day to ensure everyone is feeling prepared and motivated

  • All hands on deck: Now’s the time to spend that wages budget! Ensure you have enough staff at the ready to provide the best service possible

  • Training is key: Ensure your team is prepared and confident in their role. Whether it be in customer service or back-of-house tasks, cover all of your bases before trade to create a seamless customer experience

  • Prioritise customer service: As foot traffic increases, providing quality service can easily slip through the cracks. Remember, this could be their first impression on your store and you want to ensure it’s a positive one!

  • Celebrate every success: Set small and achievable goals for your team to increase motivation e.g. sweet treats for hitting their target or providing fabulous customer service.


  • Set the tone: Play a pump-up playlist before you open to great excitement and set the sale mood

  • Dress your best: Dress up for the special day by wearing your favourite store pieces or uniform to feel your best for the big day 

  • Your body is a temple: Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Lots of sleep and staying hydrated is a must when spending long days on the shop floor

  • Self-Affirmation: Remind yourself that you’ve got this. A little bit of self-confidence goes a long way, so give yourself a pat on the back every now and then to celebrate all you have achieved this year, both on the shop floor and beyond.

Although our hot tips only scratch the surface of what sales season entails, our recruitment angels hope it provides you with the peace of mind and motivation that you need to tackle this upcoming festive frenzy with confidence.

If you aren’t quite sure where you’ll be making magic this sales season, head to the Job Board below to find your next retail home and get settled in just in time for the most wonderful time of year.

See you there x


