Welcome to our June edition of our journal series ‘Career Profile.’ We sit down with inspiring people doing inspiring things in their careers to discuss what inspires them. Join us for this month’s career musing with Thalia Gordon, the Customer Care & eCommerce Coordinator at ALÈMAIS.

Explore Thalia’s career path, advice and day-in-the-life-of musings.


First things first, how did it all begin and what was the lightbulb moment that led you to pursue a career in fashion recruitment?

It all began with my obsession for fashion! I studied marketing at university but soon realised I wanted to get straight into a career, so put my studies on hold. During covid, the world saw the online retail landscape become more and more competitive every day, and ecommerce played a major role in this switch. I realised there is so much learn and gain from being in an ecom role, and it’s still such a new aspect of fashion retail!

You have led an inspiring career journey, tell us about your biggest career highlight to date?

My biggest career highlight to date would be landing my role with Alémais. Alémais is such an inspiring brand to work for and challenges me every day. We opened Australian Fashion Week yesterday with our first runway show which is very exciting!

On the flip side, what have you found most challenging?

Ecommerce is a very broad branch of retail. The most challenging part would be trying to balance it all! You have the customer care side of ecom, which I would say is the most important as the customer always comes first, right?! You also have to keep up to date with visual merchandising the website and ensuring the user experience is ultimately optimising site traffic. This is a huge challenge as you can’t accommodate to everyone, and you must do this in a way that aligns with the brands tone.

What advice would you give someone looking to head down a similar career path as you? Are there any short courses or study pathways that you would recommend?

My best advice for someone wanting to get into ecommerce would be to start in retail. Even though I did not go down this path, I believe it would have definitely come in handy as it is essential to have in depth knowledge of the brand and the products. A dispatch role would also really help! There are some online courses for ecommerce, however I believe hands on experience is such a great learning skill and beneficial for an ecom role. During my first ecom role I would spend hours at home on YouTube watching Shopify tutorials – there is so much information out there!

Here at Rélier we believe in building a strong and inspiring network of people. Do you have a mentor or close network that you look up to and lean on for advice? 

I definitely do! My previous boss is such an inspiration to me. She mentored me through starting my career in ecommerce and taught me a lot! I’m very grateful to have had someone guide me through my career to get me where I am now.

What do you love most about working for Alémais? 

I love the product! I think it is so important to work for a brand where you truly respect the product you are selling; it makes your job so much more exciting. Alémais is a prime example of a brand that cares so much about the product they are providing, and each collection keeps getting better and better! This really reflects in their customer care; I receive praise almost every day from our customers. I also love the people I work with. Everyone is so creative; it makes coming into work so inspiring.

A day in the office, what does this typically look like for you?   

Every day is different for me, and it really depends on the timing of launching collections. During a launch, I will typically get in and ensure orders are ready for processing as well as covering customer care. Organising PR related packages and arranging pieces for shoots is also a huge part of my role!

What are your goals for the next 12 months and what are you most looking forward to?

I most excited to see how the Alémais online space evolves over the next 12 months. Alémais is still a relatively new brand, and it is growing so fast. We are currently in the process of designing a new website so this will be super exciting to watch come into effect.

What does workplace culture mean to you and why is it so important to champion?

Workplace culture is imperative to me. Being early in my career, I know that culture can come down to the make or break of whether someone can excel in a role or not. When workplace culture is championed as the forefront of a working environment, every other success naturally grows. I’m so lucky to have such a supportive and warming team at Alémais, which enables me to maintain success in my role.

Just for fun, we would love to know what you are currently watching, reading, and listening to. 

Currently watching: The Met Gala! This year’s looks were insane!

Currently reading: It Ends With Us by Coleen Hoover

Currently listening: My favourite podcast of all time - Happy Hour with Lucy and Nikki

Finally, what is your absolute favourite piece from Alémais’ current collection that you’ll definitely be taking home with you??

I am obsessed with the Guardian Oversized Shirt and the Guardian Pant. It is such a staple set for winter which will still be stopping people on the street!


