Why our RÈLIER recruiters are your secret weapon to a flourishing fashion career

The pursuit of the perfect job can be challenging, especially when it comes to our beloved fashion industry. With its ever-evolving trends and vast competition, the extra layer of difficulty can be felt even by the most experienced of candidates. Before you set out on your job search solo, consider taking an alternative route: teaming up with your favourite fashion recruiters. As recruiters, the fashion industry's ebb and flow is our bread and butter, and we understand the value of working your way up from the shop floor and beyond. Today our angels are here to shed light on why joining our RÈLIER world might be the ultimate strategic move that your career has been longing for.

Credits: Camilla and Marc

Let’s Talk Numbers

Numbers paint a vivid picture, and the ones in the job market are no exception…

  • Over the past year, there has been a 24% decline in available job opportunities

  • In 2019, each job listing was flooded with an average of 46 applications

  • In 2020-2022 the intensity eased, with an average of 19 applications per job

  • Growth is on the horizon as 2023 has shaken things up again with an average of 25 applications per job—a clear indicator of rising competition

So, what does this mean? It’s no secret that the cost of living has skyrocketed, and not all wages have followed suit as many retailers are also bearing the brunt. Although these statistics are specific to recruitment agencies, they still indicate that with less job opportunities visible on the job market, the candidate competition is on the rise again, making it even more difficult to catch your big break in the fashion sphere. That’s where our darling RÈLIER angels come in…

Your Biggest Career Cheerleaders… and Industry Allies
Our fashion recruiters are your industry allies. We're not just here to skim through openings; we're tapped into a special network that uncovers hidden gems. Picture us as your backstage VIP pass to the job market. What's even more enticing is that we often have access to job opportunities that aren't even publicly listed. Yes, you read that right—jobs that are off the market's radar. In a world where opportunities might seem scarce, we are your ticket to unlocking doors that others don't even know exist. If you apply online, you run the risk of getting lost in a sea of digital applications. When you apply through a recruiter, your application is placed directly on the hiring mangers desk, with a shining spotlight ensuring your talents don’t slip swiftly through the cracks.  

Credits: Camilla and Marc

Standing Out in the Crowd
As the competition heats up, blending into the background isn't an option—it's time to shine bright like a diamond. This is where recruiters truly sparkle. We're not just about scratching the surface; we're your biggest career advocates when it comes to crafting the perfect strategy. From refining your resume and prepping you for interviews to skilfully negotiating salaries and contracts, we've got your back every step of the way.

With the rising wave of applications per job, having a recruiter in your corner means you're equipped with the best tools in the game. Beyond being a mere application processor, we're your coaches, guiding you to flourish when it counts the most. Whether it's fine-tuning your resume, identifying your unique strengths, or acing those interview questions, we'll be personal support system you never knew you needed.

It's Time to Create a Profile
In a world where the job search can feel like an intricate puzzle, recruiters offer a direct path forward. The decrease in available roles and the growing competition may seem a little too hot to handle, but they're just opportunities in disguise. By teaming up with a recruiter, you're unlocking insider access to the best roles the fashion biz has to offer.

So, if you're a die-hard fashionista like us who is set on charting a course in the dynamic world of fashion, consider this your sign to connect with one of our recruiters. We're here to elevate your entire career journey, giving you the confidence to climb that career ladder all the way to the very top. With our angels by your side, you're not just stepping into the job market—you're stepping into a strategic advantage that could redefine your fashion career.


See you backstage darling.


Until next time,

Your favourite fashion recruiters x


