Image Credit: Acne Studios
You’ve ticked all the boxes in your role. Your performance reviews are glowing yet your current company won’t promote you to the next step. Have you hit it?
HAVE YOU DONE YOUR TIME? We strongly believe that you do need to commit to at least 18 months in your current role before you are truly a great candidate for your next promotion. You need to be realistic about what you have committed to in your current team/project or position. If you haven’t done your time, you haven’t hit the glass ceiling yet.
ARE YOU CLEAR ABOUT YOUR GOALS? Have you considered what your end goal is and what stepping-stone roles will get you there? Often candidates make the mistake of applying for any old role that becomes available as they are desperate for change or progression. You’re confusing the team upstairs and look like you aren’t serious about your growth. You have only hit the glass ceiling if you have been unquestionably clear about your goals.
HAVE YOU MASTERED THE MILE-STONES OF YOUR CURRENT ROLE? If you are seeing others in the company achieve promotions and succession into higher roles, you are with a company who does role succession well. You have not hit the glass ceiling until you have met all KPI’s and performance expectations. If you don’t know, have the conversation.
If you are still reading this we think you might have hit the ceiling. Our full blog write up is waiting for you. Head to the journal to read all about it, baby.