Do you understand the general hierarchy of role titles within the fashion support office environment? We’re here to share the tea to help you plan your next career move…
An entry level fashion role title will end in Assistant. Any title with Assistant on the end is usually a functional role that will typically be your first position in the Support Office environment.
From assistant, we move to Coordinator. A coordinator is more experienced than an Assistant, works with more autonomy and a higher level of skill. We usually see someone with 2 + years of experience in this category of role.
From Coordinator, we move to Executive or Specialist. Any one in an Executive or Specialist role brings a niche skill. We like to will see this level of candidate bring 4-5 years of experience to a role. This role is partly strategic and partly functional.
From Specialist, we move to Manager. A Management level position is often 70%-80% strategic in how their role functions and will traditionally manage one or more direct reports who operate at a functional level.
Our Advice?
Don’t look to make your jump from one title to another too quickly. It’s important to do your time and lateral moves are power moves. The hierarchy exists for a reason and will ultimately support you to do your best work and develop at the right pace.
Image Credit: Camilla + Marc