Image Credit: Wynn Hamlin

Are you a Job Seeker balancing multiple job offers?

This one’s for you, angel. Scroll through our top tips on what to consider when deciding between multiple role-offers.


IT’S NOT ABOUT THE SALARY. Or is it? We say remove the salary to start with and consider all other aspects of the offer first. In most circumstances, you can leverage offers and negotiate the right number. Start by removing the salary to establish where your true connection to each role.


YOUR MENTOR NETWORK. People work for people not the brand. Which leader did you feel most connected to? Who are you most interested to learn from? Choosing an inspirational leader is an important part of the process.


DIVERSIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO. Think about your long-term career. Should you diversify your experience or establish yourself in a niche space? Do you need experience in larger format/ brand or a small business in a rapid growth phase? What are you missing in your career to date? Which will be more beneficial for your end goal?


TO BLEND OR TO SPECIALISE? That is the question! Do you need to broaden your skillset by taking on a blended role with new and extended responsibilities? Or move into a specialist role to develop a niche skillset? Tie your answer in to those long-term career goals, sugar.


THE GROWTH MINDSET. Where do you see the most potential for to grow into higher roles? This does not mean which company is bigger! Which mentor can develop you to get there? Which brand is growing and innovating? Which has a better internal-promotion track record?


POLICY PERKS. Consider what policy perks are in play and how important they are to you. Mental health days, additional leave, hybrid working models, paid gym memberships, a rosè tap in the office … These are all fab! But are they truly make or break in your working life? Is this more important than the right mentor, salary or diversity of portfolio?


Bring that salary back in and compare the pair. You should have a strong intuitive feeling by about what is best for you long term. And you heard it here first: it’s not always about the brand or the salary. Tie it all up with a pretty bow and say yes to the dress (read: offer).