application mistakes

9 common mistakes we see candidates making when applying directly for dream roles with dream brands:


Not putting any information in the body of your email application. HOT TIP: There’s a cute human behind your application reading the email. Write a lil’ somethin.


Submitting cover letters longer than a page with a lack of structure. HOT TIP: We read many, many of these per day. Bold the key words to catch our eye and make it concise.


Addressing the wrong brand/business in the cover letter or email body. HOT TIP: Proof read. Then proof read again. This happens so much more than you might think and it’s an easy no from me.


Not reading the requirements of the application properly. If a portfolio or another specific document is requested, you need to attach it. Call to actions are so often overlooked by candidates.


Submitting a plain word doc for creative roles. HOT TIP: you should consider the formatting and aesthetic of your application if applying in the creative suite. Eg. In Graphics or Marketing applications, the formatting of your resume should reflect your creative ability.


Resume’s or Cover Letters that are submitted in word doc or pages formats (unless a job ad has requested this of course). HOT TIP: PDF is KING! These submissions lack an element of professionalism and care compared to a converted file.


Resumes that list job history back to front (eg. starting with your oldest role first). The first thing we should see is your current position, to then count back to your oldest role. HOT TIP: Remember, not all roles deserve real estate on your resume..


Listing your personal contact information at the bottom of a page, or on the last page of your resume. this is the big money maker. Make it shine. List it FIRST.


Leaving the months off of your resume. We like to see a tenure of 18 months plus in roles, to show your commitment to a brand. Leaving the months off insinuates you weren’t there for long at all and makes the reviewing job sticker for recruiters. Add those month’s in!


Image Credit: LOEWE